
There has been studies that cooking can definitely alleviate stress. Cooking can be therapeutic and provides us the opportunity to address multiple facets of psychological well-being especially during the pandemic.

Living in these times when many are obsessed with health food crazes and the next great diet, there are many benefits of cooking and preparing your own meals.

During these stay home orders, cooking gives us the opportunity to cook for others and provides the opportunity to improve and build relationships and gives a feeling of purpose and personal satisfaction. For example, baking a cake from scratch gives a better mental boost than preparing a red box of premix from Betty Crocker.

What can we achieve from cooking at home?

A sense of accomplishment

Following a recipe and the result is something edible can never compare when you add your own spices and ingredients to make it your own – a sense of accomplishment that leads to self-esteem.

A creative outlet


Cooking can be a creative outlet for many, with added benefits of providing sensory pleasure, like when kneading dough or pastry. Cooking gives you the opportunity to experiment, play with the ingredients and to decorate as how you like it to be.



Patience is a virtue, and when it comes to cooking, you’ll need lots. To achieve optimum flavours in your cooking, it means taking time to mince garlic, onion and ginger, pounding your spices or even waiting for the dough to rise even before you get your first bite.

Get organized

Do you know that cooking helps you improve your organization skills and mindfulness? Getting your pantry stocked up and grocery shopping needs organization skills. You’ll need to have a list ready first or you’ll end up buying more than you need or things you won’t even need. You learn to plan ahead to manage your grocery budget, eat healthier and stay organized.

Get healthier

If your goal this year is to eat healthily, then this is the time to get cooking with stay-at-home orders in place. People who cook at home tend to eat healthier than those who eat out. You’ll consume less calories, control your salt and sugar intake and eat less fast food.

Lastly, eating healthier meals can actually improve mental and physical health. There’s plenty to gain from cooking. So, now it’s time to get your ingredients ready and start cooking.