
We are living in difficult times now and many are stressed-out or feeling overwhelmed. Going to the gym, having a haircut, grocery or even dining out has always been part of our lives but now, we step out dressed for battle with masks, face shields and gloves each time we step out of the house.

During these uncertain times, emotions run high and we may go through a roller coaster of emotions like fear, anxiety, anger and sadness. You may also feel helpless, discouraged or just despair.

It’s time to take a step back and pay attention to your mental and physical needs during this time. Here’s what you can do:

Get up and start moving


Being a couch potato and moping all day on your sofa will not help you feel better. It’s a known fact that exercise is good for both physical and mental health. Try taking a walk around your garden or park, check out free exercise videos on YouTube or do some house cleaning.

Catch up on your zzz’s

Do you know that getting 8 hours of quality sleep can elevate your mood, keep your mind sharp and weight under control and your immune system strong? All the more reasons to steal an hour or 2 to nap.

Tune in to your favourite songs and dance it out

Music calms the soul and makes us feel better. Make a playlist of your favourite tunes, or you can make several for different moods or vibes. It’s time to sing and dance your hearts out or just sit and laze to cool music.

Go Marie Kondo

Been stuck at home and bored? Then why not give your table or room an overhaul? You’ll find satisfaction when the mess is cleared of clutter.

Cook something delicious


If you’re a noob at cooking, maybe it’s time to learn a new skill. Go beyond the instant noodles and whip up something simple yet healthy instead. Soon, you’ll get the hang of it. For those who love cooking, why not expand your list of favourite recipes by trying something new? Your family will definitely enjoy sampling new food.

Watch or read something

Sometimes, just relaxing with a good book or movie will help you chill.

Whatever you do, make sure you take care of yourself, stay home and stay safe. And remember to mask-up before stepping out of the house.