
Feeling down because you can’t have a Christmas party? Can’t go visit friends and family? Can’t celebrate Christmas as usual?

The pandemic is now part of our everyday life. Big gatherings and the usual Christmas festivities may not be possible now. Yes, Covid-19 has put a damper on many celebrations but that doesn’t mean the celebrations need to be canceled or minimized. You can still get in the Christmassy spirit and make this time special while social distancing and adhering to the SOPs.

If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is to cherish the little things in life. Like waking up healthy, or still being able to keep in touch with your family and friends via Zoom, WhatsApp or on social media platforms. With an uncertain future looming ahead, all the more important to be grateful for our day-to-day lives. This Christmas, instead of feeling sad, why not get creative and find new ways to celebrate?

Make the most of your family’s traditions


You can still spring clean your house and deck it with Christmas tree and lights. Cook your mom’s famous roast chicken dish, chicken pies, sugar cookies and more. You can send out Christmas e-cards or presents to family and friends too.

Getting together with family members

Hold a little gathering with your immediate household members. Make it fun by getting the kids to help out. They can decorate cookies, roll the dough to make pastries or even help to design Christmas e-cards to send out.

Create connection


Just because you can’t gather together in person doesn’t mean you can’t see your family and friends during Christmas. You can stay connected with a Zoom party where everyone gathers to sing Christmas carols or share what they are grateful for over their own Christmas dinners.

Perform an act of kindness

There are so many ways to brighten someone’s day. Share your holiday spirit with someone in need by donating to charity, food bank or by sending a meal to a friend who is lonely.

Start a new tradition with your family

What did you love doing as a child? Maybe just reading a book with your mom or watching Christmas movies? Revive that tradition for your family too.

When it comes to Christmas during the pandemic, its how you celebrate it that matters most. Just enjoy your time together and create beautiful memories as a family.