2020 – the year when most of the world went on lockdown. As the Covid-19 cases surged, millions across the world stayed home and kept a distance from each other.

While on lockdown, what came as a salvation was the internet. Stay-at-home boredom was quashed as new trends and challenges were uploaded on the internet via various social media platforms. Let’s recap on the challenges and trends that became viral during lockdown in Malaysia.

Dalgona coffee


This was one of the most deliciously consumable trends that caught the world by storm. Overnight the foamy coffee hit the social media and netizens around the world jumped on this trend.

Quarantine cooking

Many took to social media to look for quick recipes to cook or posting their cooking adventures. From baking cakes, bread and various dishes, many posted their endeavours as they sharpened their cooking skills.

Bread hunt

Did any of you chase or follow the bread truck just to get a loaf of bread? The shortage of bread during the first lockdown caused a panic as those who used to eat their breakfast out or in office found themselves stuck at home with no breakfast. With the shortage of bread, some attempted to make bread at home with the help of breadmakers (which explained the rise in sales on breadmakers and ovens) and Thermomix.

DIY Haircut


Lockdown deprived us of even the simplest thing – getting a haircut. So, it came as no surprise that many attempted DIY hairdressing, with mixed results.

TikTok dances

Admit it! Tell me you didn’t try to do it too. Being in lockdown can get lonely and boring. While we tried to fill our time and stayed positive, there’s not much we can do except to move from couch to couch, binge on Netflix or try something new. So, I’m sure many of us caught on to the TikTok dance challenges or watched the kids attempt to do it.


Gardening was listed as one of the most popular lockdown activities. Whether you had access to a large garden or just your balcony, many would have attempted to plant something, be it spring onions, herbs or even vegetables. For gardening enthusiasts, their gardens flourished and blossomed during lockdown from extra care.

Did you try baking bread or cut your own hair? Tell us in the comments what your lockdown activities were.