
Christmas is approaching and that means pretty decorations, classic Christmas food, family gatherings and parties with loads of music. Before Christmas day, there’s lots of planning to do, from decorations to gifts and menus to plan.

When it comes to food, families around the world will have their own classic menu, from roast potatoes to stuffing and roast turkey to fruit cakes. Christmas time is the best time to indulge, and traditional Christmas foods are the perfect choice for the festivities. Let’s look at some of these traditional foods.

Roasted potatoes

These golden crispy spuds are a must-have on the table. Soft and fluffy on the inside, crispy and crunchy on the outside, the humble spud shines at any dinner.

Roasted carrots

It goes perfectly with any main dish, balances it up and adds colour to the table. Go creative with them by taking a step further with garlic parmesan carrots or maple syrup to wow the family.

Brussel sprouts

Serve it steamed, boiled, or roasted. Up the ante for your plain Brussel sprouts with a drizzle of butter and pinch of nutmeg.

Turkey and gravy


What’s Christmas without a traditional turkey? It’s the star of every Christmas dinner that gets everyone in the festive mood. Moist and flavourful, it pairs well with a tasty rich gravy. Made with caramelized flavoursome brown bits from the bottom of the pan after roasting your turkey, its rich taste is irresistibly addictive.

Roast chicken

If a turkey is too big for your family, chicken is the next best substitute. It’s equally succulent and tasty and pairs well with the usual Christmas trimmings.

Roast beef

Poultry not your thing? Then how about a roast beef with Yorkshire pudding? Crusty, slices of buttery roast beef dripping with rich juices combined with a light and airy Yorkshire pudding and rich, flavourful gravy will surely make anyone drool with anticipation.

Cranberry sauce

Deliciously tart and sweet, it’s the condiment that pairs well with your roast turkey or chicken.

Bread sauce

A sauce that usually accompanies a poultry dish like roast turkey or chicken, it is made with milk, butter or cream and breadcrumbs. It is then flavoured with onion, salt, spices, and fat from the roasted fowl.


Stuffing is important on Christmas as it’s one of the easiest dishes to make. It’s also essential for roast turkey or chicken. Try the classic sage and onion, meaty sausage and apple stuffing, or apricot and hazelnut stuffing for variety. For breadcrumbs, you can tear up your own regular bread or even swap it with sourdough for a special twist.

Fruit cake

Christmas isn’t the same without a heavily fruit-laden boozy fruit cake. This cake is made ahead to allow the alcohol-soaked fruits to flavour it and to give it its sticky, moist texture. For those who cannot consume alcohol, you can go for the non-alcoholic version of fruit cake.


It’s a Christmas tradition for most families. The classic gingerbread features the mixture of ginger, spices and molasses which gives it that rich taste.

Christmas pudding


An iconic dish that is savoured once a year, it’s made with dried fruit, mixed spices, nuts, and a splash of alcohol. Decorated with a sprig of holly, it is then drenched with alcohol and set a-light before serving with clotted cream or ice cream.

Do you have a traditional Christmas dish your family likes?