Stay Year High with Nian Gao

Nian Gao or Kueh Bakul is significant in Chinese households during Chinese New Year. The word “Nian Gao” sounds like “year high” which symbolises a higher income, a higher position or increase in prosperity. The stickiness of the cake signifies sticking the family together as Chinese New Year is all about spending time with family.[…]

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Salted Egg Lotus Root Snack Recipe

Salted Egg Lotus Root, savoury with a crunch Delight your friends and family this Chinese New Year with some easy snacks and cookie recipes! Well, if you ask us, what better way to enjoy the festivities than with Salted Egg Yolk Lotus Root Chips that stand out well among most of your traditional Chinese New[…]

Crispy Fried Crabstick Snack

Chinese New Year is coming soon. Have you started your annual cookie and cake baking? Are you joining the bandwagon in making a very simple and easy snack made of crabsticks? By easy, I mean really easy – with just 2 ingredients. No seasoning needed as crabsticks are already well flavoured. Fried to golden perfection, they[…]

Jafna Odiyal Kool, A Wave Of Flavours

Let’s take a dive into Sri Lankan cuisine which is rich in flavours and spices. This exotic land is made up of mostly tropical islands and it is reflected in their food. One such dish, Kool is made out of nutritious seafood. Originating from Jaffna, Kool is pronounced ‘Koozh’. The dish has been passed down[…]

Cooking With Kids

Most kids love to cook. It’s hands on, its messy and there’s plenty room for them to create, plus the sense of achievement at the end. Allowing kids to spend time in the kitchen and cooking new recipes helps kids to develop a positive connection to different types of foods including fruits and vegetables. Regardless[…]

Start Your Healthy Lunch Routine

Ready to start your healthy lunch routine? “What’s for lunch? Where to eat?” Do you hear this in the office every day? Depending on your budget, we’re all spoiled for choices, from the mamak to Chinese, western and fast food. But if you’re looking for a cheaper and healthier option, how about bringing your own[…]