Living the sweet vegan life

No matter how old you are or eating habits, we all experience sweet cravings from time to time. For vegans, it’s also the same although they get their sweet cravings done the vegan way as vegan desserts do not contain milk nor dairy products like yogurt, butter, cream, cheese, milk permeate or milk chocolate, eggs,[…]

No oven? No problem!

In today’s modern home, an oven is quite a necessity together with other kitchen appliances. But there are days when there’s no electricity or your oven broke down. What happens to the ingredients or bread dough that’s been sitting on the kitchen counter? That’s where we must resort to baking without an oven, just like[…]

Going beyond pasta and pizza

Italian food – it’s comforting, delicious and oh so satisfying. It has a special place in our tummies. In Italy, the preparation of food is a labour of love and chefs take their time to curate meals that are not only nourishing but also pleasing to all your senses. Many loves Italian food and crave[…]

Essential Italian ingredients

Want to embrace the art of cooking Italian like an Italian? You’ll need to know what ingredients Italians use and how to use them first. Italian dishes comprise of few primary ingredients as they believe in the quality of ingredients, not quantity. The main purpose is to pair the foods together instead of throwing everything[…]

Characteristics of Italian food

What comes to mind when you think about Italian food? Pasta? Pizza? But there’s more to Italian food than that. Italy’s lush and vast fields attributes to rich-in-flavour produce like oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, olives and grapes. From there, the blending of farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, creamy cheeses, sauces and fresh herbs are used to create[…]

The feel-good soup that works like magic

Feeling under the weather? Even if you’re diligent about staying healthy, no one can escape that cough or flu bug that’s going around schools or the office. Although there’s no specific food that can cure, sometimes just a comforting bowl of soup, medication and good sleep works like magic. It’s no wife’s tale that soup[…]

The Classification of Soup

The word soup comes from the French word “Soupe” which was derived from the Latin word “Suppa” (bread soaked in broth). The origin of soup dates to 6000 BC. A soup is a flavourful and nutritious liquid food that plays an important role in the menu. It can be served as an appetizer to stimulate[…]

Bridging the cultural experience with food

Laughing with your loved one over a home cooked meal, catching up with friends at a restaurant or cooking with your family. Many of our socializing revolves around food. Why is that? Because food connects everyone and it conquers all, from language barriers to cultural differences. Coming together and sharing a meal is the most[…]