Yangnyeom chicken recipe

Everyone loves fried chicken. It goes perfectly with anything and you can eat it anytime. In recent years, one particular fried chicken dish has taken the world by storm, which is the Korean fried chicken. Anyone who has ever tasted Korean fried chicken will understand why it’s so addictive. The crunchiness of the skin, that[…]

Cook your way to better mental health

There has been studies that cooking can definitely alleviate stress. Cooking can be therapeutic and provides us the opportunity to address multiple facets of psychological well-being especially during the pandemic. Living in these times when many are obsessed with health food crazes and the next great diet, there are many benefits of cooking and preparing[…]

Chicken Hakka Noodles

Ingredients: Hakka noodles Olive oil White pepper Black fungus mushroom Garlic Minced chicken Soy sauce Salt Mustard green (Sawi) Beansprouts (Taugeh)   Cooking steps: Mince garlic and cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Boil the noodles and once cooked, drizzle some olive oil and a bit of white pepper. Then mix well. Sauté the garlic[…]