A sweet and tangy meal

Say hello to your family’s favourite holiday dinner…or everyday dinner! Flavourful with a sweet and tangy flavour, honey lemon chicken is everyone’s favourite. Imagine beautifully stir-fried chicken coated with a lemony sweet sauce with a side of crunchy green beans. Oh yeah! I’m drooling right now! Let’s start with the meat. Use chicken breast or[…]

Hmmm, something smells fishy!

Love fish but can’t stand that fishy smell on your hands or your kitchen? Fish has beneficial nutrients and should be part of a balanced diet. However, the scent of fish can linger on in the house even till the next day. One common complaint when you’re cooking at home is the lingering smell of[…]

A taste of the sea

If you’re fishing for new ideas for your meals, how about seafood? Seafood – consumed all over the world and loved by many. Do you know that seafood is high in protein, vitamins and minerals and low in fat too? It also provides health benefits, including heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It’s good news for those[…]

Salted Egg Prawn

Bahan-bahan: Telur asin (Duck egg yolk) Mentega Daun kari Cili padi Udang Telur Tepung jagung Minyak masak Susu penuh krim   Cara-cara memasak: Bersihkan udang dan buang kulit udang. Hancurkan telur asin. Celupkan udang ke dalam telur yang telah dipukul dan kemudian salutkan tepung jagung untuk digoreng. Untuk kuah salted egg, masukkan mentega ke dalam[…]

Know your pasta types

Pasta – the ultimate comfort food, the fast and easy solution to meals, a crowd pleaser and kids love them too. With so many different pasta options in different shapes and sizes at the grocery store, it’s just mind boggling to choose the right one for your sauce. So how do we differentiate which goes[…]

Pasta Goreng Bujang

Bahan-bahan: Minyak zaitun Bawang putih Garlic Bawang besar Capsicum hijau Capsicum merah Pasta spaghetti Garam secukup rasa Daun parsley cincang   Cara-cara memasak: Potong bawang besar, bawang putih dan capsicum. Cincang halus daun parsley dan cili padi. Rebuskan pasta di dalam air mendidih yang telah dicampurkan sedikit minyak zaitun. Masukkan sedikit minyak zaitun, tumiskan bawang[…]

From dough to delicious pasta

If we say, “Let’s make pasta from scratch today,” you’ll probably look at us and think we’re nuts! Making pasta from scratch may seem daunting, but it’s really satisfying. Imagine taking a bite of freshly made pasta topped with your favourite sauce…ahhh…utterly blissful! Homemade pasta is an ancient art in Italy and with just a[…]

Going saucy with pasta sauces

“Let’s have spaghetti Bolognese again kids!” WHAT!!! AGAIN?? I’m sure you’ve heard this before? How about giving your Bolognese a rest and broaden your repertoire with some refreshing new recipe ideas. Step into any Italian restaurant and you’ll see some familiar words like alfredo, pesto, carbonara and marinara. These basic sauces can dress up about[…]

A delightful plate of Char Kuey Teow

Flavourful, contrasting textures with a hint of smokiness – that’s how Char Kuey Teow should best be described. One of the most popular street foods in Malaysia, Char Kuey Teow is flat rice noodles fried with a mixture of sauces, seafood and a hint of vegetables in just 5 minutes. A delicious serving of Char[…]