How to make satay from scratch

Satay is a Malaysian street food that is made of marinated meat skewered on bamboo sticks and then grilled on a charcoal stove. It can be made with any type of meat, although the most favourites are chicken, mutton and beef. It is then served with a spicy peanut sauce to dip the meat in.[…]

Sharing platters to bridge the races

Malaysia is a food lover’s paradise and we in general enjoy the diverse culinary heritage of our multicultural society. Although having different beliefs and culture, Malaysians are united in their love for the nation’s multi-cuisine. It is the main factor that brings us together as we learn about each other’s culture and traditions. Malaysian food[…]

Diversity at its best!

Malaysia is a multicultural country and offers infinite varieties of different cuisines. It’s a gastronomic adventure for foodies and tourists alike from Indian curries to Malay desserts, savoury and spicy Peranakan and Eurasian food to the eclectic repertoire of Chinese dishes from the many provinces of China. The gastronomic adventure begins with the tantalizing of[…]

Tomato Butter Spaghetti

Looking for a flavourful dish that you can make in just 30 minutes? Then you’ve come to the right page. We’ve got a ridiculously easy, “lick the spoon” clean pasta dish. How good is it? Well, if you’re a fan of butter, then you’ll just fall in love with it. Butter adds richness and creamy[…]

Fun time with kids in the kitchen

Do you have a fussy little eater in the house? Or are your kids bored from lack of activity during these trying times? How about letting them “play” with food? Teaching your kids how to cook is one of the best gifts you can give them. Getting them involved in prepping and cooking their meals[…]

Easy and healthy seafood recipe ideas

When it comes to putting a healthy meal together every single day, it can get a little boring when you’re faced with the same meat and veggie dishes. Just because you are trying to eat healthy, doesn’t mean you must skimp on flavour and stick to plain white meat. Spice up your meal with something[…]

Benefits from the sea

From saltwater and freshwater fish to deep water shellfish, seafood is a beloved delicacy. However, many shy away from seafood with the perception that they are unhealthy. But do you know that seafood is good for people of all ages? There are so many great benefits from eating seafood. It is an excellent source of[…]

Baked scallops with cheese

Scallops are a type of shellfish that has a rich flavour, a springy texture and tastes absolutely awesome. They are tender and delicate with a mild sweetness to it. It may seem like a delicate seafood to prepare, but no worries, scallops are actually very easy to cook. Scallops can be cooked in many ways.[…]

Lontong Sayur Lodeh recipe

Rich and creamy with a hint of spices, lontong consists of compressed steamed rice cakes soaked in a coconut milk vegetable curry stew. A dish commonly found in cafes, hawker centers and restaurants in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Cooked with a medley of vegetables, tempe, tofu, spices and coconut milk, it is a staple breakfast[…]