
Cooking Safely with LPG

LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) is a popular and efficient energy source used by many homes for cooking. However, it is important that you take good care and use it safely and responsibly. According to The Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department, gas and oil stoves are among the top causes of fires breaking out nationwide.

So here are some friendly tips to keep your home and cooking safe;

Taming the flame

It is important your kitchen complies with safety standards to ensure you and your family are not exposed to danger when using gas appliances. This includes ensuring your gas cookers and stoves have adequate clearance from combustible surfaces. For example, exhaust fans must be at least 75cm above the appliance and burners must have clearances of 20cm unless the nearby surface is suitably protected.

Do not place plastic appliances too near to the fire and ensure that the regulator is turned to the OFF position when not in use to reduce wastage or the possibility of small leaks.


Keep the windows open to ventilate your kitchen

Gas cookers consume air and release combustion products into the room which can be dangerous if there is inadequate ventilation. Dirty, old or un-serviced gas cookers used in sealed environments also have an increased risk of carbon monoxide spillage. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer – an odourless, colourless gas that can be fatal or cause serious and long term health conditions. So make ensure that the windows are open to prevent unnecessary risks.

Never leave your cooking unattended

LPG heats quickly and provides much greater efficiency so it is not wise to keep something cooking while you sneak in an episode of your favourite tv show or run out to pick out something quickly. Apart from risking a home fire, the cooking vessel could also overflow and extinguish the burners, causing gas to leak.


Dealing with scalds and burns appropriately

As the temperatures of LPG flames are high, risks of scalds and burns also increase. Should you scald or burn yourself when cooking, remove any wet clothing and run cool water over the burn to slow down the burning process. Avoid using home remedies or ice which often makes a burn worse. Bandage the affected area and see a medical professional immediately.

Proper storage

Always store your LPG cylinder in an upright position and away from other combustible and flammable materials. Never place the cylinder horizontal or upside down to avoid gas leakage through the valve. Storing the cylinder upright also enables the normal vaporisation of the gas within the cylinder.

Inspect regularly

Conduct regular safety inspections by passing soapy water on the hose and valve every month or so. If you see bubbles or suspect any issues with your MiraGas cylinder, call our Customer Service Centre at 1-300-88-5808 to lodge a report.

Never tinker with your gas cylinder and do not cook if you suspect a problem with the cylinder.