
Chinese New Year is coming soon. Have you started your annual cookie and cake baking? Are you joining the bandwagon in making a very simple and easy snack made of crabsticks? By easy, I mean really easy – with just 2 ingredients. No seasoning needed as crabsticks are already well flavoured. Fried to golden perfection, they become crispy crackers that are addictive that you just can’t stop eating.

Here’s how you can make your own fried crabsticks:



  • 1 kg crabsticks
  • Cooking oil
  • 3tbsp corn starch


  1. Defrost and unwrap the crabstick pieces
  2. Unroll the crabstick and peel it into thin pieces. (You can peel them in thinner sticks or thicker pieces, depending on your liking)
  3. Sieve corn starch on the crabsticks and coat them evenly. Dry the pieces in the refrigerator for 2 hours. This helps to minimize oil splatters.
  4. Heat up the oil to 160OC – 170 OC. To test if your oil is hot enough, dip the handle-end of a wooden chopsticks into the oil. If the oil bubbles around the handle, the oil is ready.
  5. Evenly distribute the strips on the hot oil and fry them in small batches. To prevent them from sticking together, do not stir immediately. Do it only after 10 – 20 seconds.img_0024_sm
  6. Deep fry over medium heat until your crabsticks are golden brown.
  7. Drain excess oil on paper towels, cool before you store them in airtight containers.

There you have it! Super easy snack all ready for you to enjoy.