
Hello die-hard dessert fans, you can now rejoice in the fact that the dessert you just ate maybe the best food choice you’ve made all day. If you are one of those people who crave chocolates, cakes and ice creams but feel guilty at the mere confession of cravings, we’ve got good news for you. Do you know that several foods found in desserts – fruits, nuts and chocolate – contain high levels of endorphins, minerals and antioxidants that can help banish the blues?

Here are a few reasons why you should savour your dessert:

It puts you in a good mood


Ever had a bad day and all you want is your favourite ice cream, chocolate or blueberry cheesecake? That’s what we’re talking about. Nothing gives more pleasure than eating your favourite dessert to chase those blues away, making you feel on top of the world.

It’s good as a reward

A mid-week pick-me-up or a reward for yourself to keep you feeling happy so your happy mood can last through the week. The next time you need an excuse to eat that dessert you are craving, think of these ideas for a guilt-free treat!

Remedy the adverse side effects of dieting

Ever wondered why jello, chocolate pudding or ice cream is fed to patients in the hospital? When patients lose their appetite, sugary, low-nutrient desserts help to combat it with the necessary glucose needed for energy. All the more reasons to save your Oreos for emergencies.

Incorporate fruits to your diet


Many of us are not consuming enough fruits that keep our immunity healthy and robust. By adding berries and other fruits to your bowl of yoghurt, it makes it an even healthier dessert rich in protein and healthy fats. It’s time to get creative beyond chocolate-covered strawberries and mango smoothies.

Packed with nutrients

Carbohydrates are an essential nutrient our body needs, but those on low carb diets overlook it. Hence, one of the reasons why our body craves sweets. Although desserts are not the healthiest form of carbohydrates, it can fuel the body and mind. Choose the right sweets like a pumpkin pie or dark chocolate which contain rich sources of whole foods and necessary vitamins, fibre and antioxidants for your body.